Tracey E. Moore, M.Ed., MHPS, WF
With over twenty years of experience in criminal justice, education, and social services, Tracey E. Moore has been working to empower underserved populations by encouraging and supporting individual’s rights to belong and become productive members of their community. Through her own journey of living with a mental health condition and learning how to maintain her own wellness and recovery, Tracey has become an advocate, mental health peer specialist, founder and program director of Anchoring Hopes Wellness Recovery Institute. Recognized by the mental health community for her pursuit of mental health wellness and recovery awareness, Tracey was the first recipient of The Michele Bibby Person in Mental Health Recovery Scholarship, created in 2017 to provide financial assistance to a person with lived experience and mental health recovery to further their education. Tracey is a graduate of the 2018-2019 Peer Voice Project, a Via Hope sponsored transformational leadership program for peers. Tracey has partnered with The East Texas Behavioral Healthcare Network and Stephen F. Austin University to provide RESPECT Institute Training to female ex-offenders struggling with mental health wellness and substance abuse. Tracey partnered with Joy Journey and Harris County District Courts to provide WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Planning) Training to the Honorable Judge Brock Thomas’ Felony Mental Health Court. Tracey currently serves on The Harris Center’s Behavioral Health Advisory Committee which is the local mental health authority for Houston’s Harris County.
Veronica Carouthers, AP, CCC, WF
My awareness of mental health wellness and recovery began in August of 2003, after my husband and I decided to accept into our home four nephews and a niece, in addition to our two biological children. This stemmed from a CPS case of a family member. One appointment with MHMRA changed our lives forever. This is where my journey began in researching and understanding mental health diagnoses and services. My determination in finding a way for my babies to live healthy and productive lives has always been my motivation, even until this present time. Even though my babies have grown into wonderful young men and a sweet young lady, I am committed to using my expertise and knowledge that I have gained from this experience as a parent to help support others. Along with being the caregiver of such a big family, God has given me the strength and stamina to become a Certified Christian Counsel, WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Planning) Facilitator, and assistant director of Anchoring Hopes Wellness Recovery Institute. Anchoring Hopes Wellness Recovery Institute promotes wellness and recovery in the mental health community through evidenced-based practices, wellness training programs, and wellness workshops. I currently serve as Associate Pastor of my home church, and as of February 2017 became the founder of Atmosphere of Fire Ministries, which is an Evangelistic ministry. I will continue to raise awareness throughout the community and various systems of care concerning the challenges faced by parents and families with children diagnosed with mental health conditions.